How To Sleep Train Twins (10-Step Guide with Tips)

Having twins is an amazing experience, but it can also be overwhelming, especially when it comes to sleep training. As a parent of twins, you may be feeling overwhelmed and unsure of where to begin. But don’t worry! Learning how to sleep train twins doesn’t have to be as daunting as it may seem.

When To Start Sleep Training

Parents of twins face a unique challenge when it comes to sleep training. It can be especially daunting to try and get two babies on the same schedule, but it’s not impossible. Knowing when to start sleep training is key to making sure that your twins are well-rested and healthy.

For newborns, it is important to wait until they reach six weeks old before starting any kind of sleep training. At this age, their bodies have had enough time to adjust from the womb to the world and they are better able to establish a regular routine. You can use bedtime cues like dimming lights and wearing comfortable pajamas as you get ready for bed each night so they know what’s coming next. Read Can Small Women Carry Twins Safely?

Does Sleep Training Cause Psychological Damage?

Sleep training is a popular method of teaching babies how to sleep through the night, but is it safe for the infant’s mental health? Many parents of twins ask this question when trying to figure out how to sleep-train their newborns. It’s important to understand the potential risks associated with these techniques and what alternatives are available.

By definition, sleep training involves changing an infant’s sleeping habits in hopes of establishing a healthy routine. This can include practices such as limiting nighttime feedings or allowing babies to “cry it out” in order to learn how to self-soothe.

While some parents swear by these methods, there is still debate over whether they cause psychological damage in infants. Studies have shown that sleep training can lead to higher levels of stress hormones and an increased risk of developing behavioral issues later on in life.

Establish a Feeding Schedule

How To Sleep Train Twins

Establishing a feeding schedule for twins is essential to help you get your children on a healthy sleeping routine. Knowing how to sleep train twins can be tricky, but with the right plan in place, it doesn’t have to be. It all starts with setting up an organized and consistent feeding routine.

The most important thing when it comes to establishing a feeding schedule for twins is consistency. You’ll want to feed them at the same times each day and make sure their meals are balanced and nutritious. This will help ensure that they are getting the proper nutrition they need while also developing healthy eating habits.

Additionally, try not to overfeed them as this could lead to weight gain or other health problems down the road. Once you have a regular eating routine in place, you can begin introducing sleep training techniques such as a bedtime routine and naps throughout the day.

Learn To Spot Sleepy Cues

How To Sleep Train Twins

Many parents find themselves confused and overwhelmed by the task of learning how to sleep-train their children. But with a few simple tips and tricks, you can learn to spot the signs that your little ones are ready for bedtime.

When it comes to teaching your twins how to get some shut-eye, understanding their sleep cues is key. Common signs that your bundle of joys may be getting tired include yawning, rubbing their eyes, fussing, or becoming more clingy than usual.

If they become cranky or irritable as well as have difficulty focusing on activities they might be in need of some restorative nap time. As soon as you recognize any of these symptoms it’s time to start winding down toward nightfall.

Feed and Change Both Babies

Make sure to create a consistent routine for feeding times that work best for both babies, as well as changing their diapers regularly throughout the day and night. This will help establish good habits for when it comes time to sleep and train them. Keeping calm during this process will also be key – it might not happen overnight, so stay positive! Additionally, look into resources such as special twin beds or specialized baby monitors that make life easier when caring for two little ones at once.

How To Sleep Train Twins

Establish a Time-for-Sleep Routine

In order to start sleep training your twins, you should first establish a consistent bedtime routine that works for both of them. Creating a set schedule and sticking to it will help your twins know when it’s time to wind down and eventually go to sleep.

Before beginning a time-for-sleep routine with your twin babies, make sure that they have had their naps during the day so they are not overly tired at night. Additionally, try setting up a relaxing atmosphere by dimming lights and playing soothing music in their room before bedtime. Giving them some quiet activities such as storybook reading or gentle massage can also help calm them down before sleeping.

Consider Using White Noise or Soothing Music

There are certain strategies you can use to make things a bit easier. One such strategy is to consider using white noise or soothing music in their bedrooms while they sleep.

White noise and soothing music can help create a calming environment for your twins and may even do some of the work for you by lulling them into a restful slumber. It also helps block out any disruptive noises from the outside world that could otherwise cause them to stir or wake up during the night.

The key is finding something your twins respond well to – this could be anything from classical tunes, nature sounds like ocean waves or even more upbeat tracks like kids’ songs!

Lay Twins Down When They Are Drowsy

Fortunately, there are several strategies designed specifically for that parenting two bundles of joy.

The first step in sleep training twins is determining a schedule that works for both babies and parents. It helps if both infants have similar needs when it comes to eating and napping times. Once the schedule is established, be sure to stick with it as best as possible. So that your little ones know what to expect every day.

When they begin showing signs of drowsiness such as rubbing their eyes or yawning, lay them down in their beds so they learn how to self-soothe without relying on external factors like rocking or singing nursery rhymes.

Follow Safe Sleep Guidelines

Sleep is an important part of any child’s development – and can be especially challenging for parents with twins. Having two babies at the same time to care for can be overwhelming. That’s why it’s important to follow safe sleep guidelines and establish a good routine when training your twins to sleep.

Parents should strive to create a consistent sleeping schedule, which includes both day naps and nighttime activities. Setting up a regular schedule helps children learn how to go down easily and stay asleep throughout the night.

It’s also important that parents remove distractions from the bedroom environment such as toys or televisions in order for their babies to get the best rest possible. Additionally, keeping your twin babies on their respective sides of the crib or bassinet will help them settle into separate beds more easily once they are old enough.

Give Them a Few Moments To Fall Asleep on Their Own

It’s important to remember that although they share the same space, they are still two separate individuals who need individualized attention. With patience and consistency, parents of twins can learn how to sleep-train their babies in a way that works for everyone involved.

The cornerstone of successful sleep training for twins is creating a consistent bedtime routine. This helps them start winding down and recognize it’s time for sleep. Creating an age-appropriate but calming nighttime ritual such as reading stories or singing lullabies will help signal their bodies to prepare for bed.

After the routine is completed, give your babies a few moments on their own before stepping in if they’re struggling to fall asleep—this gives them the opportunity to develop important self-soothing skills needed through childhood and beyond.

Comfort When Needed, but Encourage Self-Soothing

Sleep training twins can be a tricky task, especially if you’re just starting out. You want to give your children the comfort they need when they are young and scared of being alone but also encourage them to start self-soothing. This article will provide parents with tips on how to sleep-train their twins while still allowing them to feel secure in the knowledge that you are there for them.

Establishing a consistent bedtime and wake-up time helps both babies learn what is expected of them. Try setting up a soothing environment for your little ones before bedtime by dimming the lights, turning off screens, and playing calming music or white noise.

Gradually Reduce Time Spent Getting Them To Sleep

With a little bit of planning and patience, it is possible to gradually reduce the amount of time spent trying to get your babies to sleep.

Establish a consistent bedtime routine for your twins that includes calming activities such as reading stories or taking a warm bath. This will help cue their bodies that it’s time for sleep and prepare them mentally and physically for restful nights.

Having a dedicated space specifically designed for sleep is essential; the environment should be dark and quiet while also remaining comfortable throughout the night. Learn about When Should a Son Stop Sleeping With Mom?

Sleep Training for Naps

Sleep training naps can be a daunting task, especially with twins. It is essential to establish good sleep habits early on to ensure that your babies get the quality rest they need. But how do you go about sleep-training twins? Here are some tips and tricks for helping your little ones transition into better nap routines.

  • The first step in successful nap training is establishing a consistent routine for each baby.
  • Make sure their room is dark and comfortable, provide them with the same bedtime story or lullaby every night, and put them down at the same time each day.
  • Additionally, it’s important for parents to set clear expectations for their children by setting boundaries and responding consistently when rules are broken. This creates an environment of respect where both children understand what behavior is acceptable and what isn’t.
How To Sleep Train Twins

Tips & Advice From Experienced Parents

As a parent of twins, I know how difficult it can be to get two babies to sleep through the night. Trying to coordinate nap times and nighttime routines for both children at once can seem like an impossible task! Fortunately, with some tips from experienced parents, you can make sleep training twin babies a bit easier.

The first step is creating a consistent schedule. Make sure that your twins are taking naps at the same time each day and are going to bed around the same time each night. This will help them start forming good habits in their sleeping habits early on. Also, try timing feedings so that they occur before bedtime — this helps promote better digestion during their slumbering hours.

Establish your own nightly routine for getting them ready for bed: maybe reading stories or singing lullabies together, or engaging in bath-time rituals.


Sleep training twins can be a challenging but rewarding process. It is important to remember that it may take some time for both babies to adjust to the new routine. With patience and practice, any parent can successfully sleep-train twins and get back much-needed rest. Don’t forget to connect with other parents for support throughout the process! With determination and consistency, you will soon have two sleeping babies on your hands.

What Twin Moms Are Saying About Sleep Training Twins

As a twin mom, I know how difficult it can be to get two babies to sleep at the same time. It can feel like an impossible task, and it certainly takes a lot of patience and dedication. But with the right advice from experienced twin moms, you can successfully sleep-train your twins – so how do you do it?

Twin moms are the best source for advice on how to sleep-train two babies at once, so I asked around for tips and tricks that worked for them. The consensus was that taking small steps is key. Start by setting up a consistent nap routine for both babies. Then work toward getting them on the same schedule before tackling nighttime sleeping habits. Many also recommended using white noise in each bedroom to help drown out any potential distractions or disruptions while they’re trying to fall asleep. Check What to Do About Your Baby Banging Legs During Sleep

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