4 Sleeping Positions To Induce Labor & Other Tricks To Try

As an expectant mother eagerly awaiting the arrival of your little one, you may find yourself willing to try just about anything to kickstart labor naturally. While there is no surefire way to induce labor, certain sleeping positions to induce labor have been rumored to help bring on those long-awaited contractions. In this article, we will explore 4 sleeping positions to induce labor and other tricks you can try in your quest for a smooth delivery. So grab your pillow and get ready to discover sleep’s power in jump-starting your motherhood journey!

Left Side With Upper Leg Forward, Bent, and Elevate

The first position we recommend is lying on your left side with your upper leg forward. This position helps to take the pressure off of your back and allows for optimal blood flow to both you and your baby. By positioning yourself in this way, you may find that it not only promotes better circulation but also helps with digestion, reducing any discomfort caused by indigestion or heartburn.

Either your left or right side is a safe option for performing this task, according to a 2019 medical review. However, it should be noted that only sleeping in a supine position (on your back) has been linked to potential health risks for both the mother and the baby.

Sitting Upright

You might be thinking, “How can sitting upright while sleeping possibly help induce labor?” It’s all about the way gravity works its magic on your body. When you’re in a seated position, whether it’s propped up with pillows or in a recliner chair, gravity puts gentle pressure on your cervix and helps move the baby down into the birth canal. This position also promotes better blood circulation and reduces swelling in your legs and feet – win-win!

Slightly Reclined

Slightly reclined is a popular sleeping position to induce labor where you prop yourself up with pillows and lean back comfortably. Not only does this position take some pressure off your lower back, but it also allows gravity to work in your favor when it comes to encouraging a baby’s descent into the birth canal.

When you’re in a slightly reclined position, whether on your side or back, you’re giving your body more room to breathe and relax. This can help relieve any discomfort caused by contractions or the weight of your belly. Plus, being semi-upright can encourage better blood flow throughout your body and reduce swelling in your extremities—two common complaints during pregnancy. Read Implantation Bleeding With Twins.


This position can be achieved by placing a pillow or cushion on the floor and resting your knees on it while keeping your upper body upright. By adopting this posture, you create downward pressure on your baby’s head, which may help encourage them to engage in the birth canal. Additionally, being in a kneeling position can also help ease back pain as it takes some pressure off the lower spine.

Other Natural Ways To Induce Labor

There is no guaranteed method for inducing labor, there are several natural techniques that some women swear by. From acupuncture to nipple stimulation, these methods have been used for centuries and are worth exploring if you’re looking to avoid medical interventions.

sleeping positions To Induce Labor


Walking can be a beneficial and natural way to help induce labor. It is a low-impact exercise that helps to promote the downward movement of the baby’s head, putting gentle pressure on the cervix. This pressure can stimulate contractions and potentially kickstart labor. Walking encourages the release of endorphins, which are known as “feel-good” hormones. These endorphins can help alleviate stress and anxiety, promoting relaxation and potentially supporting the onset of labor.

Walking also helps to engage your baby’s head further into your pelvis by utilizing gravity. This engagement can exert more pressure on your cervix and encourage dilation. Taking regular walks throughout pregnancy not only aids in maintaining overall fitness but also prepares your body for childbirth by strengthening your leg muscles and improving stamina.

Curb Walking

Curb walking is one of the lesser-known natural methods to help induce labor. This simple yet effective technique involves walking along the edge of a curb or step using a sideways motion. By doing so, you engage different muscles in your pelvis and hips, which can help encourage the baby to move downward and put pressure on the cervix. Additionally, curb walking helps to open up the pelvis, allowing more room for the baby to descend.

To perform this exercise safely, find a sturdy curb or step that is about 4-6 inches high. Stand next to it with one foot on top of the curb and the other on level ground. Slowly lift your elevated foot off the ground and transfer your weight onto your standing leg while maintaining balance. Take small steps along the edge of the curb while keeping your body upright and engaging your core muscles for stability.


Engaging in sexual activity during the final weeks of pregnancy has long been thought to stimulate contractions and potentially speed up the onset of labor. This is due to the presence of prostaglandins in semen, which can help soften and ripen the cervix. Furthermore, orgasms have been found to trigger uterine contractions as well, making them an additional natural way to encourage the start of labor.

While some women may feel apprehensive or uncomfortable about engaging in sexual activity late in pregnancy, it is important to understand that these physical interactions are not harmful to either mother or baby.

Nipple Stimulation

Nipple stimulation is another lesser-known but effective technique that can be easily done at home. Nipple stimulation involves gently rubbing or rolling the nipples in order to trigger contractions and encourage the onset of labor.

The reason behind nipple stimulation’s effectiveness lies in the release of oxytocin, a hormone that plays a crucial role in childbirth. When nipples are stimulated, it signals the brain to release oxytocin into the bloodstream.

This hormone then causes contractions in the uterus and helps initiate labor. While research on this method is limited, many anecdotal accounts from expectant mothers have reported positive outcomes after incorporating nipple stimulation into their routines.


Many women turn to this alternative therapy for pain relief during labor, it can also be used as a natural way to induce labor. Acupuncture works by stimulating specific points on the body with thin needles, which helps release hormones that can kickstart contractions.

One of the key benefits of using acupuncture as a method of inducing labor is its safety and lack of side effects. Unlike medical interventions such as Pitocin or membrane sweeping, acupuncture poses no risk to you or your baby.

Acupuncture is known for its ability to relax both the mind and body, which can be highly beneficial during this anxious time. By promoting relaxation and reducing stress levels, it may encourage the onset of labor naturally.


Acupressure, an ancient Chinese healing technique, is gaining popularity as a natural way to induce labor. By applying pressure to specific points on the body, acupressure aims to stimulate contractions and promote the onset of labor. One commonly targeted point is located between the thumb and index finger – known as the Hegu point. Applying firm pressure to this area for several minutes can help jumpstart contractions by releasing oxytocin, a hormone that triggers labor.

Another effective acupressure point is located on the ankle – called the Spleen 6 or Sanyinjiao point. Applying gentle pressure here can encourage cervical ripening and uterine contractions. Many pregnant women have also found relief from lower back pain by applying pressure at this spot. Acupressure offers a safe and drug-free alternative for women who want to avoid medical interventions during childbirth.

Gently Bouncing on the Exercise Ball

Not only is this activity safe for pregnant women, but it can also help stimulate contractions and encourage the baby to move into the birth canal. By using gravity to your advantage, gently bouncing on an exercise ball can help put pressure on your cervix and promote dilation.

Using an exercise ball during labor has been shown to have several benefits. Firstly, it helps open up the pelvis by allowing it to widen naturally, which can make the birthing process smoother and less painful. Additionally, bouncing on a ball can help alleviate discomfort from backaches or pelvic pain that often accompany late-stage pregnancy. The rhythmic movement of bouncing may also provide relaxation and stress relief during labor, creating a calming atmosphere for both mother and baby.


A simple yet effective exercise that can potentially kickstart the birthing process. Lunges are a versatile movement that targets multiple muscle groups while also engaging the pelvic floor muscles. By doing lunges, you not only promote strength and flexibility but also encourage your baby to descend into the birth canal.

To perform a lunge, start by standing with your feet hip-width apart and take a step forward with one leg. Lower your body down until both knees are bent at approximately 90-degree angles. Push back up through your front heel and return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side, alternating legs for several repetitions. The deep squatting motion of lunges helps open up the pelvic area, allowing more space for your baby to move downward.

Evening Primrose Oil

Derived from the seeds of the evening primrose plant, this oil contains gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which is known for its ability to stimulate prostaglandins production in the body. Prostaglandins play a crucial role in ripening the cervix and triggering contractions.

Red Raspberry Leaf Tea

Derived from the leaves of the red raspberry plant, this herbal tea has long been believed to possess qualities that can help stimulate contractions and promote a smoother labor process.

The secret behind red raspberry leaf tea lies in its high content of vitamins and minerals, including iron, calcium, and magnesium. These essential nutrients are known to support uterine health and strengthen the muscles involved in childbirth. Red raspberry leaf tea contains fragarine – a compound that is thought to help tone the uterus, making contractions more effective during labor.

Moreover, consuming red raspberry leaf tea throughout pregnancy has been associated with several benefits aside from triggering labor.


Massage is not only a great way to relax and alleviate stress, but it can also serve as a natural method to induce labor. Prenatal massage performed by a licensed therapist can help stimulate contractions and prepare the body for childbirth. The gentle pressure applied during the massage helps release endorphins, which are known to promote relaxation and ease discomfort.

In addition to promoting relaxation, certain massage techniques can specifically target areas that are believed to trigger labor. Acupressure, for example, involves applying pressure on specific points in the body that are associated with inducing contractions. This ancient practice has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine and is thought to help stimulate uterine contractions when performed correctly.

Prenatal massages can also help improve blood circulation throughout the body, including the pelvic area. Check out Plan B Spotting vs Implantation Bleeding.

Castor Oil

Castor oil is derived from the seeds of the castor plant and is known for its powerful laxative properties. It works by stimulating the bowels, which in turn can stimulate contractions in the uterus.

One of the most common ways to use castor oil for inducing labor is by ingesting it. However, this should only be done under the guidance of a healthcare professional as it can have side effects such as nausea and diarrhea. Typically, a tablespoon or two is taken with juice or mixed into food to mask its strong taste. It is believed that castor oil acts on the intestines, causing them to contract and put pressure on the uterus, potentially jump-starting labor.

Getting Cozy in Bed

Getting Cozy in Bed can help relax the body and potentially stimulate contractions. Firstly, creating a comfortable environment is key. Choose a cozy spot in your bedroom where you can relax undisturbed. Surround yourself with soft pillows, warm blankets, and dim lighting to create a soothing ambiance. Getting into loose-fitting nightwear or simply wrapping a soft robe around yourself can enhance the comfort factor even further.

Closing Thoughts

Finding ways to naturally induce labor can be both exciting and daunting as you approach your due date. While there is no guarantee that these sleeping positions or other tricks will work for everyone, they are worth trying if you’re looking for a gentle and natural way to encourage labor. Read How Many Scoops of Formula for 6 oz? and How many scoops of formula for 5 oz?

Remember to always consult with your healthcare provider before attempting any new techniques. Ultimately, the most important thing is to listen to your body and trust in its ability to know when it’s ready. So give these positions a try, relax, and let nature take its course. Good luck, mama!

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