Why Is Baby-Led Weaning Good? Pros & Cons + Getting Started

As a parent, you want to do what is best for your baby. One of the questions that come up when it’s time to introduce solid foods is whether or not baby-led weaning is the way to go. Before making any decisions about this popular feeding method, it’s important to evaluate both the pros and cons carefully. Find out why is Baby-Led Weaning good, plus get tips on where to start. Discover why this popular way of introducing solid foods to babies is so beneficial.

Why Is Baby-Led Weaning Good? It encourages independence and confidence in the child. Since they are allowed to explore and feed themselves, they learn to trust their abilities and become more confident in their abilities as they grow.

Second, BLW gives children the opportunity to develop their fine motor skills as they practice picking up food with their hands, bringing it to their mouths, and chewing it. This helps them gain control over their bodies and prepares them for other activities such as writing later on.

Why Is Baby-Led Weaning Good

Finally, BLW allows the baby to eat at their own pace, which can help reduce the risk of choking since babies can take smaller bites when feeding themselves compared to when someone else feeds them.

Baby-Led Weaning Explained

Baby-led weaning (BLW) is an approach to introducing solid foods to babies. Rather than spoon-feeding purees, BLW encourages babies to feed themselves with finger foods from the start. This method allows babies to explore and learn about different textures, tastes, and shapes of food at their own pace.

Baby-Led Weaning Explained

BLW also promotes self-feeding as a means of developing hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills in infants. It’s important to note that BLW doesn’t mean cutting out all purees or mashed foods altogether – these can still be offered alongside finger foods. The difference lies in the fact that the baby is in control of what they eat and how much they consume.

There are many benefits associated with BLW, including increased confidence and independence for both parents and children.

What Is BLW?

BLW stands for Baby Led Weaning, a method of introducing solid foods to infants that allows them to self-feed. Instead of spoon-feeding purees and mashed foods, BLW encourages babies to explore and eat whole foods at their own pace. The philosophy behind BLW is that babies are capable of feeding themselves when they are developmentally ready, usually around six months old.

The BLW approach involves offering soft, age-appropriate foods cut into small pieces or strips that can be easily grasped by the baby’s hand. The goal is for the baby to learn how to chew and swallow different textures of food while also developing their fine motor skills. Parents may worry about choking hazards, but research suggests that when done correctly with appropriate-sized pieces of food, BLW poses no greater risk than traditional weaning methods. You may also like to read Can Babies Eat Jello?

Benefits of Baby-Led Weaning

Benefits of Baby-Led Weaning

As a new parent, the thought of introducing solid foods to your baby can be exciting yet overwhelming. One approach that is gaining popularity is baby-led weaning (BLW), where babies are encouraged to feed themselves from the start rather than being spoon-fed purees. This approach has several benefits that make it worth considering.


Affordability is a key factor for most parents when it comes to raising their children. One of the best ways to save money while ensuring your baby receives all the necessary nutrients is through Baby-Led Weaning (BLW). This method allows babies to self-feed, which means fewer purees and expensive baby food jars.

With BLW, there are no special foods or blends that need to be purchased. Instead, parents can offer whole foods from their meals, making it an affordable option for families on a budget. Plus, since babies have control over what they eat and how much they eat, there is less waste of food and money.

In addition to being cost-effective, BLW has numerous benefits for both babies and parents alike. Babies who practice self-feeding tend to have better hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills development.

Skill Development

Skill development is a crucial aspect of early childhood education. One area that parents often overlook when it comes to skill development is mealtime. Baby-led weaning, the practice of allowing babies to self-feed and choose their foods, has numerous benefits for both physical and cognitive development. By introducing baby-led weaning at an early age, parents can provide their little ones with the opportunity to develop valuable skills.


Independence is an important quality that parents strive to instill in their children. One way to encourage independence from a young age is through baby-led weaning. This approach involves allowing babies to feed themselves, rather than being spoon-fed by their parents. There are numerous benefits of baby-led weaning for both babies and parents.

Nutritional Variety

Nutritional variety is essential for the healthy development of infants. Baby-led weaning is an excellent approach to introducing a diverse range of foods to babies. Unlike traditional spoon-feeding methods, baby-led weaning allows babies to explore different textures and flavors at their own pace.

Family Inclusion

Family inclusion is a crucial aspect of child-rearing that can help create a strong bond between parents and their children. One way to foster this connection is through baby-led weaning, which has been shown to have numerous benefits for both infants and their families. The practice involves allowing babies to self-feed using finger foods instead of spoon-fed purees or other types of baby food.


Self-regulation is a vital concept in child development, and it plays a critical role in promoting healthy eating habits. One approach that emphasizes self-regulation and can positively impact a child’s eating habits is Baby-Led Weaning (BLW). BLW is an approach to introducing solid foods to babies that allows them to self-feed rather than being spoon-fed by their parents or caregivers.

Disadvantages of Baby-Led Weaning

Baby-led weaning is a popular approach to feeding infants that involves allowing them to feed themselves without the use of spoons or purees. While this method may seem convenient and natural, there are some potential disadvantages that parents should be aware of.

It’s Messy

One of the most significant drawbacks of baby-led weaning is the mess created during mealtimes. Since babies are given food directly, they tend to play with it, squish and throw it around. This can be frustrating for parents who have just cleaned up after one meal and need to start all over again. Additionally, cleaning up can become time-consuming, especially if you’re trying to get your baby ready for bed or out of the house.

Safety Risks

According to research, babies who practice baby-led weaning are more likely to choke compared to those who are spoon-fed. This is because they have less control over how much food enters their mouth at once, which can lead to larger chunks being swallowed and potentially blocking their airways. Parents must be extra vigilant during mealtime and ensure that all finger foods are cut into small pieces that can be easily chewed by their little ones.

Do Pediatricians Recommend BLW?

Pediatricians have long recommended that babies should be introduced to solid foods starting at around 4-6 months of age. Traditionally, this has involved purees and spoon-feeding, but in recent years there has been a growing trend towards Baby-Led Weaning (BLW). BLW involves allowing infants to self-feed from the very beginning, using whole pieces of food rather than purees or mashed-up foods.

Many parents are curious about whether pediatricians recommend BLW as a method for introducing solids. The truth is that while some pediatricians fully support this approach, others may not be as familiar with it or may have concerns about choking risks. As with any feeding method, parents need to discuss their options with their child’s healthcare provider and make the best choice for their child based on their unique needs and developmental stage.

When BLW Can Be Dangerous

One of the biggest concerns with BLW is choking risk. Even though babies have a strong gag reflex that helps prevent choking, some foods can still pose a threat if they get stuck in the baby’s airway. Foods like whole grapes, nuts or seeds, popcorn, hot dogs, and chunks of meat need to be avoided during the initial stages of BLW. Parents should also ensure their baby is sitting upright while eating and not left unattended with food.

Baby-Led Weaning Starter Foods

When starting with baby-led weaning, it’s important to choose appropriate starter foods. Some great options include soft fruits like banana or avocado, cooked vegetables like sweet potato or carrots, and easy-to-grasp proteins like strips of chicken or tofu. It’s also a good idea to introduce just one new food at a time so you can monitor your baby for any potential allergies or reactions.

Why Is Baby-Led Weaning Good, Why Is Blw Good

Does BLW Prevent Picky Eating?

Baby-led weaning (BLW) has been gaining popularity among parents as a way to introduce solid foods to their infants. Instead of spoon-feeding purees, BLW encourages babies to self-feed using finger foods. Proponents of BLW claim that it can prevent picky eating later in life because it allows infants to explore different textures and flavors, leading to a more varied diet.

While there is limited research on the long-term effects of BLW on picky eating, some studies suggest that it may have some benefits. One study found that infants who participated in BLW had a higher preference for fruits and vegetables compared to those who were spoon-fed purees. Another study showed that children who were introduced to solid foods through BLW were less likely to be classified as picky eaters at two years old.

When Do You Start Baby-Led Weaning?

So when do you start baby-led weaning? Experts suggest waiting until your baby is around 6 months old and showing signs of readiness for solids. These signs may include sitting up with support, reaching for food or utensils, and showing interest in what others are eating. It’s important to note that babies should still receive breast milk or formula as their primary source of nutrition until they are at least one year old.

When starting baby-led weaning, it’s important to introduce a variety of textures and flavors gradually while also keeping safety in mind.

How Do You Start Baby-Led Weaning?

To start baby-led weaning, it is recommended that you wait until your baby is around six months old and showing signs of readiness for solid foods. These signs include being able to sit up without support, having good head control, and showing an interest in food. Once your baby meets these criteria, start by offering soft pieces of food that are easy for them to grasp with their hands.

How Do You Start Baby-Led Weaning?

It’s important to remember that baby-led weaning should never replace breastfeeding or formula feeding completely. You should continue offering breastmilk or formula alongside solid foods until your baby reaches one year old. Check Is GFuel For Kids?

Baby-Led Weaning First Week

If you’re considering baby-led weaning, your first week will be an exciting and memorable experience for both you and your little one.

During the first week of baby-led weaning, it’s important to choose foods that are easy to grasp and chew. Soft fruits like bananas or avocados are great options because they can be easily mashed by gums. Steamed vegetables like carrot sticks or broccoli florets can also be cut into small pieces for easy handling. Remember not to add any salt, sugar, or spices to the food as babies should not have these ingredients yet.

Related Questions:

Yes, baby food is generally healthy for babies. It is specifically designed to provide the nutrients that a growing infant needs, and it is usually made with natural ingredients. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends introducing solid foods to infants between 4-6 months of age, and when doing so, parents should opt for iron-fortified cereals as well as pureed fruits and vegetables.

In addition to being nutritionally balanced, baby food also has the advantage of being easy to digest. The consistency of most baby foods is thin enough that they can be swallowed without much effort, which helps reduce the risk of choking. Furthermore, because the food is in such small pieces, it can help babies learn how to chew before transitioning to more solid foods.

Overall, baby food provides an easy way for parents to ensure their child gets the nutrition they need while also safely learning how to eat solid foods.

Yes, homemade baby food can be healthier than store-bought options. When you make your own baby food at home, you have complete control over the ingredients and can avoid added sugar, salt, and preservatives that may be found in store-bought varieties. Additionally, when you make your own baby food you can use fresh produce or organic ingredients to ensure that your little one is getting the healthiest possible meal.

Making your own baby food also allows you to tailor meals to meet the individual needs of your child. If they are sensitive to certain foods or require certain nutrients for their growth and development, you can adjust the ingredients accordingly. This ensures that your baby is getting all of the nutrition they need from their meals.

Finally, making homemade baby food is often less expensive than purchasing store-bought varieties. You can buy bulk produce and freeze portions for future use so that you don’t have to worry about wasting money on spoiled ingredients.


Baby-led weaning is a great option for those looking to give their baby the freedom to explore new foods and take control of their own mealtime. It is important to consider both the pros and cons when deciding whether or not to try baby-led weaning. With proper preparation, it can be an enjoyable experience for both parent and child. Remember, always consult with your healthcare provider prior to introducing solid foods to your baby, no matter what feeding method you choose.

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